Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I've always enjoyed exercising outdoors rather than at a gym or club. A beautiful day... sunny... warm... light breeze... perfect for a little jog around the neighborhood. Living on a golf course makes it doubly enjoyable... cart paths can double as a jogging trail when there are no golfer's insight and the paths do make for more enjoyable terrain and scenery. With temperatures pushing into the mid-seventies and a mostly sunny sky my only concern was that possibility of an early afternoon shower forecast by the weatherman. I have kept myself in shape and at times show off a bit to feel good and annoy the more out of shape neighborhood ladies.

Today was no exception... donning my white running top and short black running shorts... conveniently forgetting my jogging bra (unfortunately not extremely important) and a pair of panties under the shorts. Running shoes with socks... sun visor and watch and I was on my way. Out the door and turning down the street I began with a brisk walk. Cruising the neighborhood with my nipples poking through by top and the bottom of my butt peaking out my shorts I started scanning my route for potential victims. I have always enjoyed these outings when I've also been able to show off a little.

I soon spied victim number one. Not looking like he was enjoying the yard work he was tasked to do... I slowed to a walk and as I passed by smiled.

"Hello..." I said. "Nice day."

"Indeed..." he replied. "Good day for a jog."

I took a few more steps... about halfway across the next lot when I stopped... squatted down and retied my shoes. On a ninety degree angle to my neighbor... a goodly amount of thigh was showing along with the initial curve associated with my bottom. I took my time tying my shoes... making sure to get the knots just right... feigning being oblivious to his stare but actually noting it in my peripheral vision.
Standing back up and noticing my hardened nipples tenting out my top... I smiled.

"Have a good day..." I offered. Turning around I started a slow jog... knowing the rest of his day would be a tad better and perhaps he would spend a little more time on his landscaping knowing this could happen again.
As my jog continued... I waved at those that noticed me passing by. Breaking into a light sweat... those areas touching my top started to get wet... making my top slightly more transparent in those areas. From past experience knowing... from a distance... my nipples would be fairly prominent and exposed. After a half hour on the sidewalks and streets I decided a diversion onto the golf course would be in order. I really didn't need to add to the fantasies that normally run rampant in the teenage mind (never mind the adult mind).

Running onto the cart path I had an open vista in front of me... green grass... trees and no golfers. I picked up the pace a little as I moved further from home. Sweating a little more profusely now... definitely soaking my top... any part touching my body was pretty much transparent... the friction on my nipples keeping them hard and pointy. At about the most distant point on the golf course I saw I was catching up to a group of golfers so I stopped. Needing to take a breather anyway... I sat down on the grass and relaxed.

Fifteen minutes later I stood up to continue and was rewarded with a huge leg cramp. Back down on the ground to wait it out... massaging the bulge in my leg... gritting my teeth and taking deep breaths. Now ten minutes more and finally relaxed enough to stand up again. No more running today I determined as I took a few tentative steps which resembled more of a hobble (if that). Limping along it didn't take long for the next group of golfers to catch up.

"Are you all right..." one asked? "Seem to be having a problem there." Taking in my wet semi-transparent top and my short shorts.

"Bit of a leg cramp I'm afraid. Jogs over for me today..." I offered.

"Would you like a ride? It's a bit of a way back and it looks like it could take you awhile to get there..." the other asked.

Hmm. I was exhibiting a bit more than I liked in such close quarters but I also realized it would take quite awhile to get home. My lack of exertion was causing me to realize that 70 something degrees with a slight breeze... could actually feel chilly. Both of them being in shape I found it easy to slip in to the cart seat between them. Wrapping my arms around me I involuntarily shivered.

"A little cool to be wearing that outfit out today..." he opined? "Hi I'm Bob by the way."

"And I'm Jim..." the other offered. "Do you always dress like that when you go out jogging?"

"Not usually..." I lied. "I'm Jenny. Nice to meet you both."

"Hmm. I don't think so Jenny... "Bob said. "I live in this area and I've seen you out jogging before. On more than one occasion you've stopped to tie your shoe or adjust your hair in front of my house. My normal reaction to those displays has usually cost me a peaceful rest of the day. The wife doesn't like me ogling the neighbors..." he said as he smiled at Jim.

"A little harmless flirting is ok. Isn't it?"

"Not for all the shit I have to take when I'm caught looking..." Bob offered. "It does seem you like showing off though. Not enough of that going around these days."

"I'm sorry..." Bob said. "I've got a windbreaker in my golf bag. It's not very thick... but should be of some help."

As he went to retrieve it... I noticed a look of disappointment on Jim's face. The look was not lost on Bob also but he didn't seem to be too concerned.

"Well then... we're stuck with each other for a few more holes then..." Bob said as we moved up to the next tee box.

"Still ten bucks a hole Bob..." Jim asked?

"Sure... I'm only down one after three..." he chuckled.

"Ten bucks a hole..." I asked? Knowing full well that they were betting each hole. I was getting a little more comfortable with them and the situation and wanted to have a little fun too.

"Yes indeed... loser pays the winner ten dollars for the hole. Normally we tally it up at the end but I've never trusted Bob so I we settle up after each hole..." he laughed.

"Unfortunately true... Bob admitted. "One little scoring snafu a couple years ago and boom... the trust is gone." He then leaned down to tee up his ball.

"Can I play too..." I asked?

"Have you got any money on you..." Jim asked? "Remember... its each hole."

"Well... No..." I said. "Didn't think I'd need any for my run. I've got it at home."

"Nope. Has to be paid at the end of each hole... sorry..." Jim said.

"I'm good for it. You don't trust me..." I pouted?

"I know Bob... and I don't trust him. I really don't know you..." he countered.

As Bob lined his shot up I offered..." Well I think my top is worth ten dollars."

Bob looked up... wobbling slightly and loosening his grip on his driver. Jim was in a better position using his as a bit of a cane. Both were dumbstruck.

"Pardon me..." Jim said.

"Well... I'm wearing three items. If you'll agree each is worth ten dollars I can play."

"It is only the fourth hole. We've six to go before the clubhouse..." Bob noted.

"How do you know I need to stick around that long..." I countered?

Laughing Bob said... "If you're going to damn near streak through the neighborhood every weekend... I'm gonna know exactly where the show starts."

Smiling at him I could feel a bit of wetness between my legs and a slight adrenaline rush.

"I'm sure we can figure something out..." I said. "You boys look pretty smart."

I lifted my feet and placed them up on the cart's roof supports... giving them a good view of my shorts and a glimpse down the leg holes. The looks on their faces telling me they saw I wasn't wearing panties.

"Uh ok... I think..." said Jim. "Bob"?

"Fine by me..." he responded... "looking a bit nervous."

"Ok... how do we do this..." I asked?

"Hmm... Ok how about you write down who you think will win the hole before we take our tee shots... loser of the hole pays the winner or winners if you pick correctly also..." Jim offered.

"Ok... and if I lose..." I asked... knowing what was coming.

"You give an article of clothing to the winner..." Bob said. "What about a side bet Jim... say she guesses the number of shots it will take the winner to complete the hole. Loser gives up another ten bucks."

"Ok..." he acquiesced... "but if she bets both she loses twenty... or two pieces."

"Correct... however we'd be banned from this course if she was riding around with us naked so she keeps the windbreaker on. It is mine anyway and she does need a pocket to stash her winnings..." he said... smiling at me.

"Agreed..." I said. Sticking my hand out and shaking both of theirs.

Writing down my choices I went to pocket the note.

"Nope..." Bob said. "Give it here. We'll take turns holding onto the note. Remember we don't trust each other."

Handing it over... I sat back... propping my feet up on the dash... giving both a real good look at my thighs and the little bit of butt peeking out. Teeing up and swinging Bob hit a relatively mediocre shot halfway down the fairway and a bit left. Jim followed with a slightly longer shot right down the middle.

"Nice shots..." I offered. Piling back in... we headed off in search of their balls. Pun intended. I would appear our conversation... bets and flirting was having an effect on their concentration and pants. Bob was away so he hopped out with his iron and we drove off to find Jim. Before we left Bob mentioned that he had seen me lounging around our backyard pool a few weeks ago.

"Sunbathing too... huh... Jim noted... sounds a bit exhibitionistic."

"Sometimes..." I smiled.

Both hitting their second shots. Making the green... Jim took two shots to sink his. Bob landing a bit closer than Jim took one.

"Whoo Hoo even..." he exclaimed. "Gimme my ten back."

Taking the ten from Jim... he then glanced over at me.

"And you..." he asked. Pulling the paper out of his pocket he opened it and looked. Turning it over we saw the name 'Jim' written.

"Unbeliever..." he smiled. "Tee shirt..." he asked?

Not having an easy and demure way of doing it I shrugged off the windbreaker. Crossing my arms in front of me I peeled off my t-shirt baring my breasts. They were topped by the hardest my nipples had been in a long time. Reaching up I massaged them for a bit... finally tweaking them a little before putting the coat back on.

"Nice..." they both whispered.

Picked Jim for hole number five and won so I received ten dollars (being the exhibitionist I am didn't want my shirt back).

Six was a long par five. I picked Bob and also wrote a stroke number down. Was going pretty well for him too... until the sand trap. He ended up on and in with a six. Jim managed to avoid the sand and in with a five. Bob handed him the ten.

"Where's mine... I asked... as Jim pulled out the piece of paper that had a five on it? Bob started to hand over the ten when Jim reminded me I bet Bob would win. So Jim pocketed that ten too.

"Not fair..." I pouted.

Hole number seven was short and had a pond. Picked Bob in three. Was Jim in four. Bob splashed his and ended with a five. Off went the shorts and ten left my pocket too. That's when I found out the windbreaker didn't quite cover everything. Anyone looking from the side would be able to see I wasn't wearing bottoms and anyone coming at us would see my shaved pussy.

Eight was a par four and being Jim won seven he teed up first.

"That swimsuit you wear... the tan through. You know it's see through too don't you?" said Bob as he handed me his phone. Up close it is hard to tell but the shot he had was just far enough away with the right light to make it appear transparent.

"Hmm. Didn't know..." I responded. "I guess I'll have to lose that one."

"Don't on my account..." he smiled.

Bet on Jim for the eight hole and it was looking good until he three putted. Bob two putted for a tie. Whew I thought. They both looked at me.


"You lose..." they both said.

"No... it's a tie... "I countered.

"Yep... you lose. Doesn't matter who you picked... they didn't win."

"Not fair... draws shouldn't count."

Pulling out the piece of paper they noted no stroke count either.

"Well... we both win..." they exclaimed.

"Ok... I acquiesced... what's the penalty?"

"How about she sits on the passengers lap... facing them for this hole... coat open..." Jim offered.

"Ok by me but we switch off every stroke (no pun intended)..." Bob countered.

"I don't know..." I chimed in. "Getting a little close to the clubhouse."

"It's treed really well and besides you live off the ninth green anyway..." Bob reminded me.

"Stalker..." I accused. "Ok I'm game."

"Wait... pick the winner of nine..." Jim said.

Quickly scribbling a name and number I handed it to Jim. Bob was the first passenger.

"No hurry..." he said to Jim.

The ride to the closest ball was pleasantly erotic. Bob opened my windbreaker and massaged my tits. Jim meanwhile was doing his best to hit every little bump... forcing Bob's khaki covered cock to send vibrations to my bare and wet pussy.

"That feels good..." I told him... as he massaged my tits. "Suck on them."

He had about ten seconds to suck and lick my left nipple before the cart came to a stop. They were both about the same distance down the fairway so they both got out... irons in hand. Playing their second shot... Bob reluctantly got in the driver's seat and Jim sat down next to him.

"Right here Jenny..." he said... patting his lap.

Shrugging off the windbreaker... I climbed on him... pulling his head to my right nipple and rubbing my pussy all over his confined cock. Looking over as Bob drove I noticed a huge wet spot on the front of his pants. Reminding myself that my pussy did that caused me to soak Jim's crotch as I rode him harder.

"Come on hun... suck me harder..." I challenged as he increased his attack on my nipple while massaging my other breast.

Bob reached over and grabbed my ass as we trundled down the fairway. As we got closer to my house I noticed that the guy working his front lawn earlier was now in the back. As he looked... not quite sure what he was seeing... I moved up a little showing him my boob... waving then sat back down on Jim's lap.

"Someone you know..." he groaned?

"Not yet..." I panted... feeling my pussy and clit tingling with a mini-orgasm.

Bob slowed to a stop. "Here we are..." he said.

"Yep... here I am..." hopping off the cart and walking to my gate just about fifty feet away. "See you..." I waved.

"What about the bet..." Bob asked?

Looking over my shoulder... knowing that somewhere nearby a neighbor was taking this all in... watching me standing there nude in broad daylight... I wanted to hasten my departure.

"You've got the windbreaker. Notes in the pocket. Bring the money by later tonight. I'll either be inside or by the pool. Gates always open... I said.

Opening the gate and entering the yard as they stood there staring just as the beverage cart came over the rise.

"Need anything..." the cute girl said.

"Beer... make it three..." Bob said. "Same here..." mumbled Jim.

As she got out of the cart she glanced over at my yard. Small suit she thought... as I moved through the trees and bushes. As she turned to get their drinks I stopped and waved again. For some reason they couldn't wave back.

Later... working on my tan... by the pool... daiquiri in hand I wondered who won the match. They both did I told myself as I tweaked my nipples and rubbed my naked pussy for the n'th time. I was just starting to think it was time to call it a day. Even though the temperatures made it into the eighties... the shadows were starting to cool off the backyard. It was about that time that they both came through the side yard gate smiling. Seeing me naked they wasted no time coming over to my chaise.

"So who won the ninth..." I asked.

Looking at each other and smiling... they replied... "It was a tie."

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