Sunday, June 24, 2018


Male: anything with a penis

Boy: a male between the ages of 18 and death who has the vocabulary of an eight year old, the sense of entitlement of a toddler, and the social skills (both IRL and on the internet) of a dinner plate.

   Boys and whores: Boys do not deserve ANY kind of interaction with a whore.

Bro: a male, usually between the ages of 18 and 35, who displays the stereotypical characteristics of a frat boy, regardless of whether or not he actually attended college.

   Bros and whores: A “bro” is not strictly deserving of a whore’s attention, but naturally she should not refuse if directed to do so.

Guy: a male, usually in his mid 20’s to mid 50’s, who works hard for a living, often with his hands, who has earned everything he has through sweat and labor and smarts, but takes pride in what he does and in himself.
   Guys and whores: Guys are very deserving of a whore’s service, especially since they work as hard as they do.

Man: a male, usually in his early 30’s to mid 50’s, who works hard but in a more white collar setting, who has earned what he has more through the use of his personality, well above average to excellent intelligence, who knows how to read and interact with people, clean cut and refined.

   Men and whores: Men are also very deserving of the attention a whore provides, and are generally the most capable of using a whore to her full potential.

Side note: Guys and men are basically the same; one is the blue collar version, the other is the white collar type.  When I say blue collar, I don’t mean dirty all the time, living in a trailer park with four teeth in his head.  And white collar doesn’t mean some pretty boy douche bag with too much money and not enough brains to use it wisely.

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