Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Game: Scavenger Hunt

The key to a good scavenger hunt is having good items on the list. First you have to find a partner to play the game with. Hint - go into a bar, flirt, and then when they ask what you are doing there alone tell them about the scavenger hunt and ask them if they want to help you win! Chances are you won't have to beg to much. Pick any progression of items you want but make them fun and each one should be just a little more daring. Play coy and only share one item at a time. Hint - If you only revel one item at a time you can stop whenever you want - or not!

The object of a good list is to make each item progressively harder to obtain or in this case more daring. Here is a sample someone set.

Item 1 - Find a "playmate" and take a pic of both of you.

Item 2 - Acquire something with a logo or the name of the place from the club or bar you're at.

Item 3 - Take a selfie of the two of you kissing!

Item 4 - Go to a 24 hour store and buy an energy drink, a sharpie and a pack of condoms together. When you get to the car take a pic to prove you completed the task!

Item 5 - Drink the energy drink then take the sharpie and draw a heart on your playmates butt - then write your name in the heart. Take a pic of both new tattoos!

Item 6 - Bring back a pic of the two of you with at least 1 Major article of clothing missing on each of you!

Item 7 - Bonus Round! - OK - so you've gone this far it's pretty obvious you want to win! Take one more pic with you and your new playmate obviously both close to - or completely naked! Your photograph can be as "daring" as you wish but IN CASE OF A TIE ... The best pic wins!!!  ;-D

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