Saturday, April 28, 2018

Game: Blind Date

This game takes some trust on both parts! The idea is that you get to set up your partner on a blind date. You can vary the details but here would be an example.

For her birthday you go out and find her a date. You could get online and pretend to be her to set it up or you could say your setting up an old friend that is just getting over a break-up. You can not set her up with anyone you know or that she knows. You get the idea. Set the date for a public place so there is safety and also so you can watch the date. (hint - steal a glimpse - don't stare). You get to pick the place and time but let her pick out what she will wear (or not wear). Once she is at the club or bar or wherever you choose then she is on her own. She can flirt or whomever she wants all evening including getting walked to the car and a good-nite kiss.

Advanced players can move the game further if they want or could be free to set up second dates. Basically just set it up and then go watch what a little flirt/slut your mate can be! Remember that their object for the night is to have fun ... and to give you a little show. You should go into the club separately but if she is a sport she could dance flirt and have fun as close to you as she dares.

We did it once and I flirted on the dance floor and then led my date to the bar stools right beside me so that he could hear us flirt. I  positioned it so that my date was beside him and when I was looking at him, he could see me. When I got up to go to the restroom he struck up a conversation with my man and proceeded to tell him that I was a blind date and how hot I was! When I returned I was a little minx even asked him if he could snap a pic of the two of us with my phone. I  proceeded to cuddle up to him and give him a sexy kiss with him taking the pic. I flirted with him all night and he had front row seats.I  had the poor guy squirming in his seat with some of my flirting and suggestive comments. As the night went on he started hinting about taking me home.I  said she had to get up early but then winked and said I wanted to go out again when she didn't have to get up early and got his phone and email.I  asked him to walk me to my car and we left the club together with winking at him as I left. About 15min later I texted my man to meet me out front of the club and I would pick him up.I  gave him all the details of the walk to the car and the good-night kiss I just got and how I had him panting like a teenager. He laughed and asked what took 15min. I just smiled.

About a week later I asked if he would be offended or turned-on if my new friend had texted me and asked me out on a second date? He just smiled and said "whatever turns you on" and explained how much he had loved the "show" I had put on for the first date.I  paused - smiled a devilish smile - picked up my phone and started texting! He loved my little slut!

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