Thursday, January 18, 2018


If you want to pour a heaping helping of crazy sauce all over your profile, that’s your prerogative. But what does that accomplish? I mean, if you’re just here to troll, fine. Waste your time and others’ time if that’s what gets you off. But if you’re actually hoping to meet someone…what are you hoping to accomplish?
I feel that 1 out of 10 online profiles is intentionally psychotic. Who are you hoping will message you? The cute guy/girl looking for a manic pixie dream girl/boy? Christ. 2009 is calling and they want Zoey D. back.
I’ll tell you who will message you: people who can’t identify crazy. People who don’t read your profile and just message you because they like your Polaroid filter selfies (with your lollipop half-way in your mouth and your eyes rolling ironically back into your head). People who think crazy is easier to get into bed.
People who realize you’re probably not REALLY crazy and just putting on an act - they might want to get to know you, but you haven’t told them anything about you. How are they supposed to know you’re actually interesting? Maybe you aren’t. Maybe the self-aware nutso facade is your desperate swing and a miss at being interesting.

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