Friday, January 19, 2018

Anonymous: Hi! I love you and your blog, and I want to thank you for helping people (including me). Also, I have a question: I have a boyfriend and I love him a lot. We haven't gotten to see each other much lately because he's been busy, but when we do get intimate, it's fun and exciting... But the other day I found some gifs of some girls going at one another and it really turned me on. I know I'm not gay, and I think both the female and male body is beautiful, but I'm just wondering if this is normal?

Well thanks anon. Thats why I have this blog!
and of course thats normal! I'm a firm believer that no one is 100% straight or 100% gay. Sexual attraction is a spectrum, and everyone has a preference but also phases that differentiate from their typical norm.
Example: when I was 19 I went through almost a year where the ONLY thing that I liked were girls and lesbian porn and it really bothered me because up until that moment I thought I was 100% straight. But it got so strong that I couldn’t even think about penises without getting hella grossed out. So I decided to give ladies a shot, and eventually it went away without me even noticing. I still think girls are attractive sometimes but now I mainly prefer men.
In sexual behavior we covered the varying of the spectrum of sexual attraction, and how it can fluctuate for different people, at different times, and with different intensity. Most gay people have attempted straight encounters, and a lot of straight people have experimented with gay encounters (tho I hypothesize that if homosexuality wasn’t still a taboo subject, the averages would be closer).
So don’t worry, your urges are perfectly normal. Honestly. In time they may pass, or they may not, or you may find yourself in the middle or somewhere else altogether, but just know that there is nothing wrong with that!

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