Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Losing can be fun

 It was a grey Sunday morning and Katie rolled over in bed looking out the window apprehensively at the sky. The annual city half-marathon was coming up in a few weeks and she really wanted to get a long training run in this weekend. She picked up her phone and checked the forecast and decided to risk it, her weather app said only a 40% chance of rain and that was likely later in the afternoon.

Without dressing, the pretty brunette walked to the window looking towards the park where she liked to run.

"Hey sweetie, you might want put something on or the neighbors might see." Steve's voice caught her by surprise. Katie turned, sitting down on the window ledge and faced her sleepy husband.

"Would that be so bad? I thought you liked showing me off," Katie teased.

"Get that sexy ass over here before you give the neighbors a heart attack," Steve said pulling back the sheets.

Katie giggled, "No way, I'm still sore from last night. It seems you like I shaved my pussy for you. In fact you liked it three times."

The sexy wife crawled onto the bed and gave her husband's cock a little lick and kiss. "I promise to take good care of your big penis tonight."

With that Katie hopped out of bed and changed into her running shorts and top. "Okay Babe, I'm going out for my long run today before it starts raining, I'll be back in a couple hours."

"Okay, no problem," replied Steve, "I'll keep myself busy today anyway. I have a ton of work to do for a client, they want all their drawings updated for tomorrow's meeting."

Katie gave her husband a quick hug and bounded out of the bedroom to have a quick breakfast before starting her daily jog. She scavenged through the refrigerator and a small bowl of fruit and yogurt was all she could come up with this morning. She quickly finished it, put her dishes away and went to find her running shoes.

The petite brunette glanced in the hall mirror before heading out the door. She thought she looked really cute with her ponytail and dressed in her grey running shorts, pink top and matching pink runners. Katie shouted goodbye, closed the door behind her and walked to the end of the driveway. Looking up and down the street she decided on her route, she'd do a run past the office and the nearby lake. It would be the right distance and good for today. Turning on her fitness tracker she headed down the street.

The cute wife had been jogging for almost an hour, the day was cool and the run was going really well. Katie passed her office and thought about how lucky she was to find such a great place to work. She ducked in behind the building and followed a bike path down to the small man-made lake which marked the halfway point of her run. Walking over to a small park bench overlooking the water, she sat down to stretch and rest for a couple minutes. Katie loved running and the time alone it gave her to think. She thought back over the last few weeks since the pool party, Katie and her husband Steve had a lot of talks about fantasies since then often ending in crazy love making sessions.

Katie was surprised at how open and non-judgmental Steve was about her fantasies, it made her feel really comfortable opening up and sharing them. There were some fantasies they decided they could explore further, and some that they decided would be better to just be left as bedroom talk. It was nice knowing where Steve drew the line so she wouldn't have to guess, but there were still some grey areas they'd need to figure out. Talking about their fantasies also made Katie feel a little guilty that she hadn't tried hard enough to fulfill some of her husbands and vowed to change that.

Katie was just getting up to start her run back home when she heard thunder in the distance and small drops of rain started splattering down. "Oh crap," she thought as the rain started coming down harder. She was a long way from home but knew her co-worker and friend Mike lived nearby. The young wife picked up her pace and headed to his house hoping to take shelter from the coming storm.

By the time Katie arrived at Mike's place, the rain was pouring down and she was soaked to the skin. Katie was relieved to see his car parked outside, which meant he was probably at home. She ran up the steps to his house and rang the doorbell. A moment later a surprised Mike appeared at the door.

"Can I come in?" Katie asked.

"What happened? Of course, get in here." Mike ushered her into the front hallway.

Katie gratefully stepped in, dripping all over the floor. "Thanks, I was doing my training run this morning. I didn't think it was supposed to rain until later," she explained.

"Come upstairs with me, I'll get some towels so you can dry off." Mike led the soaking wet woman to his bedroom handing her a bath towel from the hall linen closet. "You can dry off here. There are extra towels under the sink in the bathroom, and a hairdryer or brush or whatever. Just call if there's something you need."

"Thank you so much Mike, sorry for interrupting while you have guests."

"Ha," Mike snorted, "they're not guests, it's just the guys from work here to drink my beer and eat my food. We're all watching football for the day, you're welcome to stay. Steve should come over too."

"Oh, thank you. That sounds like fun, I'll call Steve and let him know where I am."

Mike left to rejoin his friends and closed the door to the bedroom behind him. Katie stripped of her wet clothes and hung them over the shower door in the bathroom to dry off. She walked naked back into Mike's bedroom and looked around. "So this is Mike's bedroom," she said to herself, "never expected to be naked in here."

Katie wrapped herself in the bath towel and checked herself in the mirror, she thought she looked like a drowned rat. "Well, I can't go down like this," she frowned. "Mike!"

"Yes?" came the answer from downstairs.

"Mind if I take a shower?" the attractive wife asked.

"Sure, I'll join you in a minute," came the reply followed by the guys laughing.

Katie laughed, "Stay away you pervert!"

Katie thought she should call her husband and let him know she was okay. He was probably worried that she got caught in the rain. She picked up the phone from Mike's nightstand and dialed home. After a couple rings her husband answered.


"Hi Honey, it's me." Katie replied happily.

"Oh, hey, where are you? It's raining pretty hard." Steve sounded concerned.

"I'm naked in Mike's bedroom," Katie said sexily.

"What the-" Steve started before hearing Katie's laughter.

"Don't worry, I'm alone in here. I got caught in the rain and ducked into Mike's place since it was close. I'm just drying off." Katie liked teasing her husband and getting him all worked up.

"Why do I put up with you?" Steve asked.

"Because ya loves me!" Katie chirped cheerfully before continuing, "Hey, the guys from work are over here and watching football for the day, mind if I stay awhile?"

"No, not at all," Steve said relieved his wife was safe, "just give me a call when you want to be picked up."

"You're invited too, I know you're busy but do you want to come by? They're watching three games today."

"Yeah, sure. Sounds good. I'll be over in a couple hours. See you then."

Katie hung up the phone and returned to the bathroom to hop in the shower. She removed the showerhead and let the water pulse over her stiff muscles it felt so nice to have the warmth wash over her after a long run. Katie focused on her calves and hamstrings letting the tightness release. She giggled as she passed the massaging spray over her hairless mound, it felt really good. "Time for that later," she thought as she finished washing before returning the water back between her legs, "well maybe just a bit longer."

After rinsing off and a quick orgasm Katie stepped out of the shower, "Wow, I feel much better."

Katie rummaged through the drawers and found the hairdryer and a brush. After drying her hair, Katie walked naked into Mike's bedroom and took a look around deciding what to wear. His bed looked so comfortable and Katie couldn't resist trying it out. The nude wife stretched out on the king sized bed and idly wondered how many other naked women had been in this bed. She giggled at that thought and reminded herself that she's happily married and not interested in fooling around.

Since she was alone and feeling a slightly bratty, Katie decided to snoop a little. Crawling over to the bedside table she opened the drawer and took a peek inside. She smiled as she found an open box of condoms, a small container of personal lubricant and a long silk scarf. "I wonder who the lucky girl is," Katie laughed.

Katie examined the scarf, it looked expensive and felt super soft as she touched it to her cheek. She could smell Mike's cologne on it. Katie lightly wrapped the material around her wrists and lay back on the bed extending her arms above her head and gripping the headboard. "I wonder if Steve would like to tie me up like this," she thought.

Katie untied her wrists and returned the scarf to the drawer. She continued to look around the room stopping to look at Mike's laptop, she touched the keyboard and the screen lit up asking for a password. Moving on, the snooping wife picked up a picture from the desk that was partially buried under a stack of papers. It was a picture of Mike with his arm around a very attractive busty blonde, they were both smiling and looked like a happy couple. On the back was a note that simply read "Vegas '13" Katie couldn't remember Mike ever talking about a girlfriend, she wondered who the woman was and felt a tinge of jealously thinking she could never measure up to someone so pretty.

Deciding that snooping wasn't really a good idea, Katie grabbed a dry towel and wrapped it around her. She didn't understand why the blonde woman bothered her so much and tried to get the picture out of her head. She looked at herself in the mirror again, she looked much better since the shower but the towel was just a little too short to walk around in. Katie grabbed a white dress shirt from the closet and slipped it on, the shirt extended almost halfway down her thighs and she figured that was long enough. Rolling up the sleeves she decided she could stay naked under it and the guys would know but wouldn't see anything, and if they did it would be a happy accident. She smiled as she unbuttoned the top few buttons down to her cleavage making it clear she wasn't wearing a bra, "Maybe I don't have boobs like blondie, and maybe I'm not tall like her, but I bet she's not as fun as me."


"Hey guys!" Katie announced as she entered the living room. She was happy to see the guys from work, Mike, Ben, Jason, Darren and Kevin were all here. The five guys were spread out between the sofa and floor, boxes of pizza and a big plate of chicken wings were being passed around.

"Katie!" they cheered.

"Wow, nice outfit," Darren commented. "Come on over, there's a spot on the sofa for ya."

Katie blushed slightly, she loved how the guys reacted to her, they always made her feel like she was the prettiest girl on the planet. The blonde from the picture in Mike's room was quickly fading from her mind.

She made her way to the sofa and sat down curling her legs underneath her. She thought she managed to do it without flashing her pussy to the guys, but seeing the looks on some of their faces proved she may have been less successful than she thought. Katie felt the butterflies in her stomach knowing the guys were watching her.

"So," Katie said looking at the TV and wondering what she was intentionally getting herself into, "who's playing?"

"First game is Raiders versus Dolphins," Ben replied.

"Okay, I'll cheer for the guys with the aqua pants, they look cute. Which team are they?" Katie asked.

"That would be the Dolphins," Ben explained, "but there's no way they'll win today, their QB is injured and they have their backup in." The other guys agreed the Dolphins had no chance.

"Oh," said Katie, "well, I'm cheering for them anyway. That guy has a cute bum."

The guys laughed and they all settled in to watch the game.

By half-time the Dolphins were winning 28-0 and Katie was having a great time celebrating every time her team scored or made a good play. The guys were having a great time too, they didn't care at all that their pick for the game was losing badly. If they looked at Katie from the side they would get a nice view of her boobs through the partially open shirt and she was also just barely exposing for ass and pussy every time she moved in her seat or jumped up to cheer. She took a peek at Mike and noticed a bulge in his pants. "That's right," she thought, "blondie has nothing on me."

The pretty young wife was well aware that she was exposing herself to her friends, but wanted to pretend it wasn't on purpose. To Katie it was more fun if she could claim it was an accident.

The final whistle blew and the final score was 41-3. Katie loved rubbing it in and telling the guys how good she was at making picks and how bad they were at it.

"Hey, there's still two more games on today," Mike explained, "so don't get too cocky. If you think you're that good you can put your money where your mouth is. We've got a pool for the next game. $20. Person with the closest guess on the final score wins the pot."

"Oh," replied Katie, "I'd love to join in but I don't have any money on me. Can I owe you?"

"A lap dance is about $20 isn't it you can pay with that," Darren joked as the guys laughed.

Katie thought about it then surprised everyone, including herself, by replying "Sure, why not."

"Katie," Darren said, "you know I was just kidding right?"

"I know," Katie smiled, "but I'm going to win so it doesn't matter."

The guys looked at each other and shrugged, if she wanted to get naked they weren't going to make a big effort to stop her. They doubted she would give a dance anyway. Mike got up to grab another case of beer for the guys.

"Okay, so who's playing in the next game?" Katie asked.

"New Orleans and Green Bay," Ben replied.

"Oh!" Katie exclaimed, "I've always wanted to go to Mardi Gras, I'm cheering for New Orleans for sure."

Darren spoke up, "Katie at Mardi Gras, now that would be a site to see."

"Like this? Got any beads?" Katie opened the front of her shirt and shook her boobs before quickly covering them with a laugh.

"Hey what did I miss?" Mike was setting down the case as the guys were cheering and laughing.

"Katie was just practicing for Mardi Gras," Darren said with a huge grin.

"Great... and I was off getting beer," Mike shook his head.

"Awww, I'm sorry..." Katie gave a little pout, "did you miss seeing these?"

The hot brunette turned so Mike could see and opened her shirt giving Mike a clear view of her exposed breasts. The look on Mike's face made Katie laugh. She quickly covered herself and sat back down on the sofa.

Kickoff was just about to start when Steve arrived and joined the group. He smiled and shook his head seeing his wife clearly naked under a man's dress shirt, more buttons opened than closed, and sitting in a room full of single guys.

"You lose a bet or something?" Steve asked.

"Umm, not yet... my clothes are still drying upstairs from being caught in the rain." Katie replied.

"So Steve," Mike said, "are you going to join the football pool? It's $20, closest score wins."

"Yeah, sure," Steve pulled a twenty out of his wallet.

"So... Um... Katie had no money and jokingly decided to bet a lap dance, but I guess you can spot her the $20." Mike said expecting Steve would save his wife.

"Hey, who said I was joking?" Katie replied back.

"She did huh?" Steve said laughing, "She's a grown woman, she can make her own mistakes. I look forward to collecting the dance when I win."

Katie gave her husband a quick surprised look, she had talked about a fantasy where she could pretend to be a stripper for one night. She knew she was already heading down that road with her actions today but wondered if Steve was really ready to see his wife like that. The brunette assumed it would probably just stay role play between them for a long time, the thought of doing it for real was both terrifying and exciting.

The second game went just as well as the first for Katie and she found herself collecting her winnings at the end. The anticipation that she might have to lap dance for one of the guys had her on edge all game but now that the game was over she wanted to celebrate her luck and taunt the guys.

"I got the money, I got the money," Katie started singing, "I got the money, 'cause you guys suck at football." Katie started dancing around the room still singing the song and waving the money around. She moved to the middle of the room, unbuttoned her shirt all the way and continued singing, "You could have had this, but you suck at football."

The hot little brunette continued to dance around naked and singing her silly song, making sure every guy got a good look at both the money and her body. As she passed Steve she removed her shirt and placed it over his head. Her husband gave her a swat on the ass making her squeal and jump into a nearby chair collapsing into fits of laughter.

"Give me my shirt back," Katie said between giggle fits.

"No way," Steve replied, "you're being a little brat."

Katie gave the biggest fake pouty face she could manage, "You're going to make you're little wifey stay naked? What if the guys see this?" She spread her legs hooking them over the arms of the chair, exposing herself to everyone, before quickly closing them again howling with laughter.

Katie gave up trying to get her shirt back. Steve tossed the shirt aside and none of the other guys was in a hurry to give it back to her either. The hot brunette wife was content to cover herself with a throw pillow and watch the final game.

"Last game," Mike announced. "Well Katie, you've got cash this time so you're obviously free to bet with that."

"Nah, I'm fine betting a dance again," Katie gave an evil little smile.

Everyone wrote down their predicted final scores and got ready for the game. Katie was getting extremely nervous, the thought of dancing for one of the guys was driving her crazy. A lap dance was fun to think about, but what would she do if she actually lost? Katie wasn't sure she could go through with it, she wanted to, but it seemed such a step up from flashing the guys. As the final game progressed Katie became more and more on edge as it became clear she wasn't going to win.

Finally the game clock expired, Katie wasn't even sure who won as she could barely concentrate on the game. All she knew is that she'd have to pay up to someone.

Mike grabbed the betting sheet and stood up, "And the winner of the final game and lap dance is..."

"WAIT! Don't tell me." Katie shouted.

Everyone fell silent. Finally Steve spoke up, "Katie, it's completely cool if you don't want to go through with it. We're all friends here and just having fun."

"Just give me a minute... I don't want to go back on a bet." Katie paused then suddenly her face lit up. "I got it! Okay, here's the deal. I'm going to go upstairs and get ready, while I'm up there the winner will sit in the chair. Everyone must be absolutely quiet and no talking AT ALL. Okay, Please?"

The men weren't sure what Katie had in mind but they all agreed. Katie seemed really relieved, grabbed the shirt and sprinted up the stairs telling them she'd be back in a minute. While she was getting herself ready, the guys choose the winner and he took his place in the chair. As Katie requested the men all remained as quiet as possible. A couple minutes passed and Katie appeared at the bottom of the stairs wearing Mike's shirt as well as his silk scarf as a blindfold.

 "Thank you for being quiet, please no talking for the whole dance. Can someone guide me to the chair and put on some music?" Katie nervously asked.

Katie felt a warm hand in hers and she was slowly led to the chair. Her heart was pounding in her chest as her escort let go and she was left standing by herself. She slowly bent over and reached out her hands finding the chair and the mystery man's legs. Katie smiled nervously and waited for the music to start. One of the men turned on the stereo and selected a good slow song for her to dance to. Katie slowly began swaying her hips to the beat. She tried to think about what a stripper would do, she tried to remember any movies she may have seen that would give her some idea of what to do. It seemed so easy in her fantasies, and so terrifyingly exciting in real life.

The petite wife continued to sway her hips and slowly unbuttoned her shirt completely exposing her nude body to the mystery man in the chair. She ran her hands up and down her body, cupping her breasts and holding them out for the lucky winner to see. Katie turned around, her back to the man in the chair and let the shirt slip off her shoulders and onto the floor. Knowing the man's eyes were on her ass, she bent over at the waist shook her hips then moved her hands to her butt spreading her cheeks wide. Katie could hardly breathe, she knew one of the men, one of her friends was seeing her in a way only her husband had ever seen her before. As terrified as she was, she was also excited and could feel the moisture building between her legs.

Katie stood back up and turned to face the chair, she slowly extended her arms again and bent forward until she found the back of the chair. Her forearms touched the man's shoulders, she knew he was very close to her, she thought she could feel his breath on her breasts as her nipples hardened. She shook her small breasts in his face then stood up turning around once more. Katie reached down with her hands, finding his legs she slowly spread them apart and lowered herself onto his lap. The young wife could feel his hardness underneath her.

Even through his pants, the hard cock felt amazing between her legs as Katie slowly ground her hips in a small circle on his lap. This might be the only time she would ever do this, and wanted it to be good. The man placed his hands on her hips and slowly slid them up her sides approaching her breasts. She let the hands get close before quietly whispering, "no touching please" and gently removing them.

Katie could feel her face getting flushed, and the wetness growing between her legs, her nipples were almost painfully hard. She was completely turned on and her embarrassment enhanced the feeling. Katie moved a hand between her legs and touched her throbbing pussy as she slid up and down his body. Then almost as soon as it started the song was over.

Trembling slightly Katie asked the man for help standing up. Rising to her feet she was helped to the stairs where she slowly ascended disappearing into Mike's room once more.

A few minutes passed and Katie came downstairs dressed in her running outfit, her face was still flushed with excitement.

"It's getting late, we need to get going," Katie said, "thank you for another crazy fun evening. Please, whatever you do, keep this between us and never tell me who the winner was. Don't ruin my fantasy."

Katie gave the guys a quick kiss on the cheek, Steve shook hands and the two walked out into the night.


Katie looked out the passenger side window as Steve drove home. They were both quiet for a few minutes.

"You didn't stop me." She finally said.

"No. Did you want me to?" her husband replied.

"No. I don't think so." Katie managed to say. "Thank you for letting me do that." Her breathing was still shallow. "My god that was crazy."

A few more minutes passed in silence before Katie spoke urgently, "Steve, pull over here. In this parking lot, over there by the fence."

Steve quickly pulled over concerned his wife may be sick. Katie undid her seatbelt and jumped into the backseat. Pulling down her shorts and panties she looked at her husband, "I can't wait until we get home, I need you to fuck me right now."

Steve quickly unbuckled and joined his wife in the backseat.

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