Friday, August 30, 2013

Role Play

We all have fantasies..and some of us like to role play…here are some hints and some games



Role playing in the bedroom is a kinky way of exploring your secret sexual fantasies in a safe environment. It helps you escape with your partner into another place and time, just the two of you, the rules of reality do not play a big role in this world. It also very stimulating, and arousing. In a very deep level it also assists with trust in a relationship.


There are not set rule for RPG, (Role Playing Games). There are however a few guidelines. These are not essential when wanting to play, but does make the play a bit easier and create deeper level of play, it also makes the game a bit less dramatic for first timers. There guidelines are :


A safe word is a word o

r phrase the partners create before the role play beings. It is usually a word that is not related to game or game content. Words like ‘stop’ or ‘don’t’ cant be safe words because they are used in the more rough games to enhance the experience. Safe words can be ‘pop sickle, yesterday or tough break’ said urgently.


For role play, trust is a big issue. If you can not trust the partner you are playing with, you will not be able to release and enjoy the game. Role playing is acting, so if you are under pressure, you will act badly and the game will be lost. BUT, remember it is not a million dollar film you are working on. Which brings us to the next one.


This is not the physical flexibility, you do not need to bend like a pretzel to role play. Flexibility in the RPG is that you should be free to bend to the will of your partner, you should be able to adapt to the change, if your partner decides to change the thread. Also, if you make a mistake, or something is funny, you should be able to laugh about it, and carry on.


Make sure that you have time, to squeeze a game into a 15 minute lunch break is not going to work. Plan your games, plan your time. Make sure you are not disturbed, send the kids away for the evening, or tell your friends or parents that you are busy, or not home. Lock the house or the gate, and turn your phones off.


Be free to explore new things, usually in a relationship one partner is more into RPG than the other, so if your parents says he or she had a new idea, try it. Don’t push a game, if your partner is sick or had a bad day at work, the last thing they will be in the mood for is a RPG. You or your partner must be open to communicate, say you are not in the mood, or say that you are.


Having costumes for RPG’s it fun, it enhances the game and helps you get into character easier. You do not need to go buy a ton of costumes, old clothes and things lying in the house can also be used. Put all your costumes in a box or a bag, and keep it handy, especially when you travel.


Playing a RPG in a new location is always fun, it gives opportunities for new scenarios. Going away for a night or a weekend, pack the RPG bag or box.


Don’t play everyday, you will run out of ideas too soon, and the excitement will go away. Remember, your partner does not always want to engage in sexual relations in a game, he or she may need to have you for the night.


Scarves, Lube, ties, belts, WIGS, handcuffs and keys, pieces of material, masks, a fake gun, and sword or knife, a necklace, dried flowers, a apron, hats, blindfolds, gloves, vampire teeth, fake blood, bandages, old phones, old pill bottles and a leather bound book

These are just some of the things I have used. You can update a lot depending on your games.


Try to make the serving of dinner a part of the RPG, it helps to enhance the game, and makes it longer.

Since I am not really into silly games and most of me and my bfs games are based in the late centuries, and mostly fantasy, I do not have games like ‘the nurse and the patient, or the teacher and the student’

Me and my bf have one rule, the ending of the game must always be happy, truth be told, that what I am into doesn’t leave space for that, but because we are the rulers in our worlds, we make than happy. This also influences the game, knowing that your partner in the RPG will love your character in the end, makes it easier to play along.

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